Breast & Endocrine Surgery Centre

Endocrine Surgery
Thyroid diseases and thyroid surgery

Thyroid diseases and thyroid surgery
Parathyroid diseases

Adrenal diseases
Pancreatic endocrine diseases

Thyroid surgery is the most commonly performed endocrine surgical procedure accounting for the major work-load of endocrine surgeons. Thyroidectomy is performed for thyroid malignancy in about 30 % of patients. Surgery for retrosternal goitre and thyroid re-operations would account for 15% each of patients undergoing thyroid surgery. Surgical treatment for thyrotoxicosis is indicated for selected patients who are young, have large goiters or thyroid eye signs, fail medical treatment, have suspicious nodules and decline radioiodine treatment. In addition, prophylactic thyroidectomy is required for patients with familial medullary thyroid cancer diagnosed from genetic screening program.

Thyroid surgery  
Thyroid nodule   
Thyroid incidentalomas   
Thyroid cancer  


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